Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Tegan And Sara - Live Saints EP (2010)

Tegan And Sara - Live Saints EP (2010)

This short sweet indie pop EP from Tegan and Sara is 16MB of live material called "Live Saints" a tiny EP to remind us what the duo are doing and how they're progressing. I know I was a big fans when I heard their second and third albums (If It Was You, So Jealous) and kind of lost their sound once they got mixed up with Chris Walla of Death Cab For Cutie fame. The side step into electronica hasn't helped much either. I guess I preferred the garage and live performance stuff - less produced and more indie. The girl group dyamic and the voices, sold me not to mention their covers of Springsteen and Prince, earlier on. Now they've matured like a fine Stevie Nicks and the teen pop they sold us on just isn't cutting it now that they've hyped up the production and hit their mid-twenties. The EP of live tracks below are the best singles from their latest release "Sainthood" performed live. Since it's another Walla, album - I must admit I don't own it - but the earlier two albums are quite enough for me at this point, seeing this progression. Either way, the legit fans of Tegan and Sara will eat this up and love the honest and performance of each track. Like mother's milk.

Tegan And Sara - Live Saints EP (2010)
01 - Alligator
02 - Hell
03 - The Cure
04 - On Directing

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1 comment:

McCrank said...