McCrank's Juke - July Mix (2009)
McCrank's Juke - July Mix (2009)
July is a swealtering month for music. You have that lag time between September and now, but still albums are falling out all over the place. Miss Derringer, scored a killer album, freshly dropped July 14th. Pearl Jam single is out and the list goes on...Caught Prince's gift to the Montreux Jazz Festival, say Girl In A Coma at the Blank Club and have been cat crawling the music scene post-MJ death. new tracks from Shonen Knife, Thom Yorke, Big Pink, and Jay Z. It is shaping up to be a bear of 2009. As you can see from the eclectic selection of acts below, I seemed to amass a attraction to new indie bands, some rockers and some experimental noize!! From the dead-to-rights Band of Skulls to Bombay Bicycle Club and to the local Oakland band Hottub. There is no method to the madness other than solid performances and some quality tunes from across the web. I hope you enjoy and take a chance to go see some of these bands. I am keyed up for The Horrors in October at the SF Independent and Los Campesinos! at the Brookdale Lodge in August in Santa Cruz. Yah now!
02. You Came Out - We Have Band